In BSK Logistics domestic transportation operations, safe delivery is made by vehicles of all kinds and sizes within our fleet.
BSK Logistics; finished products, raw materials and semi-products within the boundaries of Turkey in complete or partial carries to be moved.
Mikro dağıtım araçları şehir içi satış noktalarına ürün dağıtımı için yola çıkmaktadır. Mikro dağıtım birimimiz projeye yönelik olarak dedike çalışan bir birimdir.
Konteyner depolama, konteyner sahası yönetimi, konteyner elleçleme, depolama hizmetleri ve konteyner içi dolum / boşaltma hizmetleri yapmaktayız.
We offer professional service by using the best equipment in the industry in hanging textile transportation.
We offer secured transportation services for your customs bonded warehouse, free warehouse, port import and export cargo.
Transportation, which is a part of the automotive industry, is carried out in order to ship spare parts from outside to the required regions.
Firmamız, kimyasal ve yanıcı tehlikeli madde taşımacılığında, insan sağlığı ve çevreye zarar vermeksizin, güvenli şekilde kara yolu ile taşımacılık hizmeti verir.
In addition to the vehicles we have, our contracted supplier infrastructure provides all transportation models in our domestic transportation and distribution services according to the needs of our customers; We produce effective solutions thanks to our strong information systems infrastructure.
GREEN LOGISTICSWe aim to keep our future clean!
To reduce CO2 emissions and save fuel, we renew our vehicle fleet with new generation vehicles.