Bsk LogisticMENU0(212) 671 38 45

About Us

BSK About Us

BSK Transport (Logistics); With the power of 20 years of experience, it continues to run on the road without stopping. It adopts quality and speed as its principle and realizes timely and reliable delivery for you. It carries love by carrying it.

Vision and Mission

Qualified and trained manpower, high technology tools and systems using advanced strategic partnerships to increase our brand to be in the transport sector in Turkey.

BSK Lojistik Kurumsal

Our Values

  • Lead,
  • Expertise,
  • Stability
  • Contribution to the national economy and education,
  • Honesty,
  • Customer satisfaction oriented work,
  • Environmental awareness and respect.

Our Quality Policy

By promoting collaboration rather than competition, Total Quality Management unleashes the creative energy sacrificed for its existence. By emphasizing communication instead of confidentiality, it enables the environment of insecurity to be replaced by the trust environment, so that the organization can respond to changing customer needs.


In addition to the vehicles we have, our contracted supplier infrastructure provides all transportation models in our domestic transportation and distribution services according to the needs of our customers; We produce effective solutions thanks to our strong information systems infrastructure.

GREEN LOGISTICSWe aim to keep our future clean!

To reduce CO2 emissions and save fuel, we renew our vehicle fleet with new generation vehicles.

Bsk LogisticTÜRKÇE
About UsBsk Logisticİkitelli O.S.B. Biksan San. Sit. Yön. Plaza D Blok No:79, Başakşehir, İstanbul
0212 671 38450212 671 3846